
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Inborn Friend of Jinns

Ubqari Magazine - April 2014

Allama Laahooti Purisraari

A true autobiography of such a person who is still under the protection of aulia jinns. His days and nights are being spent among the jinns. Upon insistence of readers these true and interesting revelations are being published episodically. But to understand this enigmatic world a lot of courage and audacity is required.

Heart Tearing True Stories: Since the time I have written my observations, experiences of the past life and wonderful secrets about لاالہ الا اللہ and محمدرسول , I have started receiving so much posts , letters, commentaries of people, so many observations of people that I am still anxious that people have liked my observations and experiences so much and how much they have acted upon them and after acting upon them how many wonders, experiences, benefits that have come in their life, we wrote, this in itself is an awesome and wonderful thing for me. I mentioned these experiences and observations in the previous episode too. Now I wish again today to share my observations with people. Experiences of those people, incidents of the past, stories of pains and sorrows that would make any listener tearful. And then redemption from troubles and then such unbelievable things that would make the reader himself an example awe strange incidents. Rather many who would not believe him otherwise would also join. That how is this possible?

A Happy Letter of an Impoverished Person: I received a letter. The only thing written in it was, who are you? I had only heard your name. I read in Ubqari. I tried many times to contact you, tried to ring you so that I could meet you. Nobody is ready to have me introduced to you. At last I have decided to restrict myself at reading your essay. Who am I and what am I? But I know this much that my experiences would perhaps benefit the people. Whatever I achieved, I achieved it from your column. Whatever I achieved, I achieved it through your experiences. I have an honor of one thing. That I admit that you are among one of those people due to whom the creation of Allah has benefitted a lot. And that you are spreading ease and helping in removing hardships. Where were you before? I am anxious! Where were you before this? And why didn’t you start writing before this. Even though it has been a long time since Ubqari magazine is being published. Why have you not written on this topic before?

What Did I Achieve With < @ B @ @ B : Well... Whether this thing was correct or wrong in its own right, but I would like to tell you that I achieved such a reward and so many benefits by reciting < @ B @@ B that you cannot even imagine. We had a familial dispute. That was going on for years. I always listened in my house that its decision would turn out to be in our favor. We shall change the roof of a room. If the decision happened on the next hearing we shall have our sister married. But.....! The Trial Went on For Generations, But....! My mother used to say once upon a time by breathing in cold sighs that the first day on which she entered this house (as a bride), I heard the same things on the same day too. I have become old now. My daughters’ hair have blanched. I am still listening the same things. And my mother says this herself, that her mother-in-law who died at the age of 80, she used to say that when she came in that house, she heard about the familial disputes too. And on everyday there used to be a new hope that the litigation might come to an end. That our days will become a little bit more better. Problems will be solved and anxieties will vanish. But its sad that it never happened. How Old is This Story is Not Known: What did we do? How much we worked hard? To how many sages we go? This is my story. Then this is the story of my mother. I have seen my grandmother. It is her story. How old is this story beyond that, I don’t know. But I have heard that it has been 100 years that this story began. And our property is stuck in familial disputes since then. The Property That We Got From Maharaja of Patyaala: Actually the maharaja of Patyaala gave us some additional fief and place. It is of the times of the first world war. What we got in the first world war a lot. My great grandfathers were 3 brothers. The property was distributed among them and kept on getting distributed further on. One brother did not have any heirs. Two had offspring. The dispute began when everyone else wanted to grab the rights of the others. Then the problem went to the courts. Deewani cases made us deewana. Since the time Ubqari started coming. We tried many prescriptions and philters of Ubqari. Every wazifa and philter was priceless. Recited the Testimony of Purity and Saw a Light of Hope: The wazifa we tried this time was the first kalimah. We thought that we should try this. All of us family members left all the recitations. And we started reciting < @ B @ @ B . We recited a course of 70,000. Then we did two additional courses. We kept on reciting continuously. All of us, the family members, completed 18 courses of < @ B @ @ B . At once a help arrived, neither had we hoped for that nor had we ever thought or we could ever conceive about that. And the help was that an old uncle of our family, whom everyone used to call uncle, he came at once and he said that I shall decide your matter. So he advised to obey him silently. Since everyone was tired of litigations, but were acting stubbornly, and everyone used to care about uncle. And because of his age he should have been respected a lot too. He gathered everyone at once in a couple of days. Some of our relatives were in Karachi. Some were in Lahore. Some were in different parts of the city. Everyone was ordered to come. A Strange Thing Everyone Accepted the Decision: So after gathering everyone, since our uncle understood the matter concerning property division, and understood our property as well, he wrote a verdict that whatever I am giving to anyone, everyone should silently accept. The awesome thing is that there are many mischievous people who never accepted the decisions of the family. The Testimony Made us Billionaires in one Moment: The property that was worth millions has today become worth billions. And we sold our share. A distant relative of ours took that share, and billions of rupees came to our house. We have bought a car. We have changed our house with a huge bungalow. Our dress has become better, our food, our drinks, have improved. Three of our siblings are now getting ready to get married. We have started sleeping happily. Now there are three motorcycles in our house. We have a big car. There is affluence and peace in the house. All the Grudges Resolved With the Blessings of the Testimony: There is one blissful thing about < @ B @ @ B that those people with whom we had grudges, disputes, hatreds, and problems, even though they were our close relatives, all of them came near us. Everyone became our friend. And love and affection improved with everyone. I am Awed, Is This a Wazifa or: I am still awed that is this a wazifa? This is ism-e-azam. This is a key for resolution of problems. It is a boat for fulfilling needs. In order to come out of the Noah’s storm, it is Noah’s (PBUH) arch. In order to come out of the stomach of the fish, it is the Jonah’s (PBUH) prayer. What is it not?But testimony is after all testimony. It is a powerful thing. The whole universe is a small particle in front of this. Allah is Allah and kalimah is kalimah. What should I tell you about the wonders of this kalimah.The Problems of NeighborsWere Also Solved With The Testimony: When our neighbors saw our overnight turnovers, they were awed. We also did not act with miserliness. We told them that whatever we got was from Ubqari and the column of Allama sahib, by reciting the courses of kalimah continuously. In our neighborhood there is a family that had such problems that all the time their family had disputes, illnesses, problems. There was not a day that from their house a voice a huge outcry of quarrels and baffles was not heard. Sounds of beating were not heard. There was not a single day that they did not have poverty, hunger and problems and difficulties. We are tired of our problems and difficulties. We have become upset due to our problems and difficulties. These words were often said by their mother. And we used to keep on listening. So much so that often shouts of divorces and so much so that their father divorced his wife once. It is unknown that what happened then??? We saw poverty and destitution in their house. What We Have You Should Also Read: Hopelessness was their destiny. When our circumstances improved they also told us about theirs. We at once told them to recite this wazifa for solution of problems. When they saw our circumstances, they became a little reassured. They also started reciting courses of kalimah. So much so that one of their sons was a heroine addict. He also started reciting along with. Allah Almighty, had mercy on them too. They recited 21 courses. According to them that Allah had so much benevolence with them that we were not surprised. But they were surprised. But the circumstances we wrote about ourselves, were more surprising for us than theirs. Illnesses vanished away from their home. Problems were solved. Daily disputes and quarrels, diurnal problems, that we had heard all went away. Rather they gave this wazifa of kalimah to numerous people. And we told about it to so many people. How The Problems of Relatives Were Solved? Those relatives who were apathetic towards us, our meetings, on happiness and deaths, all the rituals were terminated. When they came near us and we had conversations, when they heard about the wonders of this kalimah. Then we told them about many incidents. Then many of them started doing this deed. Their own circumstances were also very bad. Because courts and lawyers fees, bad mouthing against each other, slandering, due to all of this the peace, affluence and well being of the familis had been snatched. They also started reciting kalimah. And this is this kalimah that will save from the torments of grave and of hell. So why would not that kalimah save from the torments of the worldly life? The Son Who Was on Drug Abuse Abandoned his Addiction: A relative of ours came to our mother a fortnight ago. He told her that his son was a drug addict. He gave up his addiction. The one who was our near relative, his son was an addict of heroine. Although many times he was admitted in hospital for treatment. But that also never helped. Rather it turned out to be more harmful than before and he became more addict than before.

Those Who Want to Quit Addiction Should Pay Attention! Readers! Since we are talking about addiction! So we have received a few letters and observations in this regard. Few days ago letters from a destitute and an impoverished family were in front of us. They also wrote spontaneously to us that kalimah removed addiction from our family. Initially father, then son, then the other son, they were all destroyed. Since we started reciting the kalimah we got redemption from addiction and destruction. So we were talking about of that family who were talking about these things, they started telling additionally that now our wazifa for all the times is < @ B @@ B . Our every child, old man, young man and every person now only recites kalimah. When We Recite the Testimony so...: When we recite the kalimah our problems get solved. We recite the kalimah we get food, sustenance and every amenity of life. We recite the kalimah the achieving of sustenance becomes easier. When we recite the kalimah the problems of life are resolved. When we recite the kalimah we achieve respect and dignity among the people. When we recite the kalimah our crying child becomes quiet. We recite the kalimah and the expensive thing becomes cheap for us. We recite the kalimah and quarrels stop in our house. If there are disputes we recite the kalimah, everyone happily reconciles again. We recite the kalimah and our hatreds convert into affections. We recite the kalimah our heartiest desires are fulfilled. We recite the kalimah and we see wonderful dreams. So much so that we recite the kalimah, which ever personality we wish to meet, we meet them in our dreams. So much so that a few people of the house continuously recited the kalimah and they met hazrat Khizar (AS) while they were awake. Solution of Worldly and OtherWorldly Problems With The Testimony: Readers! The greatest wealth is kalimah. The key to honesty is kalimah. The certificate to being a Muslim is kalimah. Come! Let’s solve the problems of this world and the afterlife with kalimah. Readers! This one letter that I would like to call a meeting, I conveyed it to you. How many letter should I read out to you. How many letters should I read for you. How many letters should I write for you, references of how many letters should I give to you? How many meetings and autobiographies of crying and weeping people should I tell you about? I have one concern. You will say that probably I am exaggerating, you will think that I am lying, this is between me and my Allah. If you can sense sincerity in my words, then embrace them with your heart, if you cannot feel any sincerity in this, then you should stop reading this column of mine altogether. (Continued) For Priceless wazaaif of Allamah Laahooti daamat barkatahum, read the book, ”The Inborn Friend ofJinns”

The Elegance of Affluence and Wealth: Chastity is the elegance of poverty and destitution. And thanking Allah is the elegance of affluence and wellbeing.

Redemption From Pests and Insects: By mixing heeng in water and spriaying it on the floor kills insects and germs etc.

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